Full-time Language Courses

Full-time Language Courses Pricelist

jazyk pomaturitní studium Language slevy pomaturitní studium Discount ceník pomaturitní studum Price
Englisk Od 18 400.- 20 400.-
German Od 18 400.- 20 400.-
Spanish Od 18 400.- 20 400.-
French Od 18 400.- 20 400.-
Russian Od 18 400.- 20 400.-
Combination of English and German Od 18 400.- 20 400.-
Combination of English and Spanish Od 18 400.- 20 400.-
Combination of English and French Od 18 400.- 20 400.-
Combination of English and Russian Od 18 400.- 20 400.-
Combination of English and Slovak Od 18 400.- 20 400.-

Price of Full-time Language Courses depends on date of your payment.

You will be given a refund if you are admitted into a university.

Full-time Language Courses Discounts

měsíc platby pomaturitního studia Month of Paymnet ceník pomaturitního studia Price
January – April 18 400.-
May 18 900.-
Juny 19 400.-
July 19 900.-
August 20 400.-

Get more deals during our open days.

Get a discount for each friend that registers for a language course based on your reference.
