Did you finish high school and you want to study abroad? Are you interested in learning a new language, find a lot of friends and create unforgettable memories? Do you want to raise your attractiveness for future employers or get ready for studying at the university? Are you tired of boring everyday life and you want to try something new? If the answer is yes, PELICAN is the right place for you!
I am interested in the Czech language course, how can I apply?
For applying download the application. Fill the application and send it to jadrna@skolapelican.com together with a scan of a passport, a photo of a passport format, completed Application for ISICand Consent to the processing of personal data.
How can I transfer the payment?
The whole amount sends to 115-2196290247/0100. After that, you will receive the Confirmation of Study, based on this confirmation you can apply for a visa. There is no deadline for the transfer, nevertheless, it is important to remember that the visa process takes quite a lot of time. Also, it is not possible to pay on installment.
Is the amount final? What does it include?
Yes, the amount is final. The only thing you will have to buy is a textbook (price is around 700CZK), based on your teacher´s recommendation. You are also allowed to visit one lesson a week (90 minutes) of the language of your choice (English, German, French, Spanish, Russian). All of these courses are for beginners. You will also receive ISIC (RUS), thanks to that you will get a lot of discounts for a student (bus, theater,…).
What is the probability that I will receive a visa? Will I get back the money if I will not receive it?
You do not have /to be worried, 95% of applications are approved. In the case you will not receive your visa we will give you back the whole amount.
Do you help with the visa process? Where can I find the necessary information?
Students apply for a visa just by themselves or they can use the services of agencies we are working with. In the case, you decide for the first option applies for type víza ostatní. Apply for a visa in advance, because the visa process takes quite a lot of time.
What is the schedule of the school year?
The beginning of the course and amount of hours depending on the type of a course. The standard course begins in October 2019. Education is separated into two semesters, which are divided by spring break. The course finish May/June 2020.
How does the lesson look like?
How does the lesson look like?
The standard course takes place every Monday to Friday for the whole year. Of course, there is a couple of banks holiday. Most of the lessons are in Czech, in a few cases the teacher will use English if it is necessary. In the beginning, you will be divided into groups. After that, each group will be assigned to 1 or 2 teachers, who will teach you the whole year. During the year you are allowed to take the state language exam. The output is certificate based on your level of Czech. This exam is voluntary and the price of the exam is not included. You can do this exam repeatedly. This certificate is accepted in the universities. Most of the universities require a B2 level.
Will be the Czech course open for sure?
The minimum number of students is 10. In case, there will be fewer students you will be assigned to a group of student, who used services of an agency.
Is it possible to learn the required level of Czech language in a year?
Yes, it is possible. A lot of students have already learned Czech and then applied to university. Of course, it depends on your consistency and determination.
Can I work during my studies?
Yes, it is allowed
Can I attend any extracurricular activity?
Yes, you can. Within the school, you can attend a lot of activities like parties, movie nights
What materials do
At the beginning of the semester, every student has to buy a student´s book based on the recommendation of his/her teacher. During the studying, we use this book or materials prepared by the teacher, as well as technical equipment like data projectors.
In the case I want to apply for a university do I have to do nostrification exams?
Yes. According to the law, you have to also pass the nostrification exams.
Do you have any further questions?
Do not hesitate to contact us! 🙂