F2F2D and back

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At the beginning of 2020, the whole world found itself in an unprecedented situation in which movement and contact with other people were significantly restricted. Educational institutions had to close their doors to their students, whilst simultaneously having to quickly provide them with an online alternative to in-person teaching.
This was no different for language courses. The new project ‘F2F2D (Face to Face to Distance) and back’ wants to facilitate the transition to online teaching for language courses in the future.

How to convert courses quickly and easily
Online Education is currently a very frequently occurring term. Although online teaching is now omnipresent, both students and teachers often don’t find it to be effective and satisfying. There are dozens of platforms and tools available in the online space, but it isn’t easy for lecturers to quickly and efficiently choose from their inexhaustible resources and adapt them to different courses.
The main idea of the ‘F2F2D and back’ project is to develop an effective method together with supplementary tools so that individual language courses can be quickly converted from full-time to an efficient online form and then back again.
Speed and simplicity are the key factors when looking at changes in teaching because there is a risk of losing progress in the course and level of language knowledge as a result of each interruption. The longer the break lasts, the harder it is to jump back into teaching. There is a great risk that if you miss 2 months of your language course, you will lose what you have been working on all semester.
Informal leaflet

Project outputs
- A comprehensive roadmap of types of courses and its transfer needs
- Manual for lecturers and teachers containing practical instructions and tools regarding how to teach online (for example how to plan a lesson, how to make presentations, videos, how to effectively lead an online class etc).
- Step-by-step guide on how to quickly and efficiently convert different types of language courses into online teaching and then back into full-time teaching again.
- Materials for (self) evaluation for students and teachers.
Download compressed ZIP file on official F2F2D project website.
- Students, teachers and schools will then be able to find all the outputs of the project on an interactive web platform.
Partners of the project
A team of experts being led by the Friedrich Alexander University Erlagen-Nuremberg, one of the largest universities in Germany and an important research institute in the field of education, is working on these materials. Partners from Italy, Bulgaria and Poland will also be participating in the project along with PELICAN Language School. The project is focusing on a problem that has not simply affected particular regions or countries, but the world as a whole. For this reason, there is a need to develop tangible outputs that will be practically usable across different languages, populations and contexts.
Partners of the project are:
- FRIEDRICH-ALEXANDER-UNIVERSITAET ERLANGEN NUERNBERG (Germany). FAU is the project coordinator. It’s one of the largest universities in Germany and an important research center in the context of learning.
- PRISM – PROMOZIONE INTERNAZIONALE SICILIA – MONDO (Italy) is a not for profit orhanization which supports the social, cultural and economic development of Sicilia.
- EUROPEAN CENTER FOR QUALITY OOD (Bulgaria) is an organization that is specialized in the field of European projects, training programs for business entities and employees, and quality management.
- Associazione INNOVAMENTIS (Italy) is working in the field of education, vocational training, and new technologies.
- Fundacja Rozwoju Aktywnosci Miedzynarodowej i Edukacyjnej – FRAME (Poland) – is a foundation that aims to develop and promote international cooperation of local communities supporting education.
Pictures from F2F2D meeting in Palermo, Sicily (16. – 17. 9. 2021)

Pictures from F2F2F meeting in Brno, Czech Republic (12. – 13. 4. 2022)

Pictures from F2F2D meeting in Nyrnberg, Germany (8. – 9.11.2022´)

Are you interested in more about this?
If you are interested, we are happy to come to you and present the project to you, organize a workshop for your employees, provide consultation on a diploma thesis, etc. Help us raise awareness of topics that really matter!