The main weaknesses of the education system during the COVD-19 pandemic were the transformation from face-to-face to online learning, the lack of teachers’ knowledge to deal with new technologies, the problem of overcrowded classrooms, and the possible dropout of students due to the digital divide.
The need to address this digital divide is all the more urgent as the European Union has identified digital competence as one of the 8 key factors that need to be addressed nowadays. In addition, the sudden shift to distance learning has increased existing issues related to discrimination, students’ well-being and lack of services for low-income and vulnerable students.
The IncludeArt project takes all these issues into account and aims to provide an innovative digital tool such as web radioand an inclusive methodology. All this in order to equip teachers with new skills to manage new technologies in their process of educating students who are at risk of exclusion or dropping out of educational institutions or low well-being.
IncludeArt responds to the needs of teachers that have emerged from the occured challenges during the pandemic.

Projects Outputs
The IncludeArt project will result in three main outputs, the main aim of which is to strengthen the professional development of teachers to acquire inclusive and creative competences in order to effectively support students.
- A collection of inspirative stories of artists who have struggled with their inclusion and who are role models for students who are at the risk of social exclusion.
- Training modules on using innovative arts-based approaches and artists’ stories on inclusion and providing effective teaching tools to improve students’ creative skills.
- Educational web radio for schools with radio broadcasts.
Creating a web-based radio and new methods for engaging students through art will offer both teachers and students new digital skills and channels through which they can use art as a teaching and learning method.

What’s new in the project?
IncludeArt’s first work package is done! In the Compendium of Success Stories one can find the real stories of international and local artists – how they overcame their troubles with inclusion when they came to the new country, to the new city, how they felt, which difficulties they faced. And last, but not least, what helped them – what brought them hope and strength.
The Compendium of Success Stories consists of local success stories from Italy, Spain, Poland, Spain-Canary Islands, Cyprus and Czechia. Then it continues with international success stories, where one can find story of, for example, Lady Gaga, Ed Sheeran, Frida Kahlo and many more. The last part consists of in-depth interviews which were done by partners with local artists about their difficulties and struggles during inclusion. Those interviews are even more touching and deep because those people were telling their stories to the interviewers in F2F meetings. Do not hesitate to read them.
Project Patrners
The IncludeArt project involves 6 partners from 5 European countries – Czech Republic, Italy, Cyprus, Poland and Spain. The materials developed within the project will be translated from English into all the languages of these countries, allowing implementation in all member states plus English-speaking countries.
- Radio ECCA, Fundación Canaria (Spain, Canary Islands). The mission of the company is to spread education among people in remote areas or villages. In previous years, the company has created an educational centre for both adolescents and adults. Radio ECCA is the coordinator of the project.
- PRISM IMPRESA SOCIALE S.R.L. (Italy). For individuals and entrepreneurs, the organization offers the possibility of group idea sharing and project development.
- SAFA – Escuelas profesionales Sagrada Familia (Španělsko). Jesuit institution which comprises 27 schools which offer free education to over 20 000 students belonging to pre-school, primary, secondary, post-obligatory and university levels.
- RESET LTD – Research and education of social empowerment and transofmration (Kypr). The purpose of the organization is to promote a fair and nonviolent world through education, restorative dialogue, skill development among professionals and vulnerable groups.
- FRAME – Fundacja rozwoju aktywnosci miedzynarodowej i edukacyjnej (Polsko). The aim of the organization is to develop and promote international cooperation of local communities supporting education, professional activity and the wellbeing of citizens.
Meetings and Workshops
First kick-off meeting in Las Palmas, Canary Islands

Meeting and LTT in Palermo, Sicily

What is Happening in IncludeArt?
If you are interested, we are happy to come to you and present the project to you, organize a workshop for your employees, provide consultation on a diploma thesis, etc. Help us raise awareness of topics that really matter!