What do you do when? A new project led by PELICAN Association aims to help foreigners in Europe resolve specific problems.

What is WhatToDoif project about?
How can I find accommodation, an elementary school for my children or a general practitioner? These are questions that foreigners living in the Czech Republic have to resolve themselves, often taking a long time due to insufficient information available. In order to help them, the PELICAN Association in the Czech Republic has launched a new project, WHATtoDoif, which aims to provide linguistic and factual help to foreigners.
In October 2019, PELICAN started an international project, with the aim of helping newly arrived foreigners (migrants and refugees) familiarise themselves with the financial, social, political and working environment of the country they had arrived in. The project groups partners from the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Poland, Italy, the United Kingdom and Cyprus.
Project Output
The core idea of the project is to create an effective guide to help resolve real-life situations, which foreigners in Europe encounter. The consortium of researchers from the Czech Republic, Great Britain, Bulgaria, Italy and Cyprus has outlined 6 primary areas, that it will be working on over the coming months:
- Visa procedures
- Civic and Political Participation
- Accommodation and Real Estate (leasing, renting, purchasing real estate, mortgage, leaseholder and owner obligations)
- Healthcare (where to go, General practitioner, hospital, insurance, the financial aspect of healthcare)
- Education for children and adults (kindergarten and elementary school, where and how to enroll children, conditions to benefit, adult educational opportunities)
- The job market (work opportunities, social insurance, types of working hours and employment contracts)
Target Group
The target group is mainly newly arrived foreigners, migrants, and refugees. Project outputs will also support language teachers, who work with migrants. The project has a linguistic-educational role, which will provide a study guide containing phrases and terminology associated with solving problems in the given field.
- FRAME – Fundacja Rozwoju Aktywnosci Miedzynarodowej i Edukacyjnej (Poland)
- The Mosaic Art Sound Limited (Great Britain)
- Associazione INNOVAMENTIS (Italy)
In the last few months, the “WHATtoDOif” project has been quite busy. The partners worked hard to provide answers to the most relevant questions that foreigners living in the host country must resolve.

The collection of videos represents the fourth project result. These video tutorials accompany the previous outputs and explain the problematics in a way that is accessible to everyone because of the easy format and user-friendly nature. The videos manage to reach the target group very effectively because it answers the real burning question that partners collected from foreigners and migrants during the project development and research.
How to enroll your child in kindergarten in the Czech Republic?
Healthcare in the Czech Republic?
SOCIAL ALLOWANCES for families living in the Czech Republic
Photo Gallery

Want to know more?
If you want to learn more about the project, contact us either at info@skolapelican.com, by phone at +420 774 742 296, or in person at Lidická 9, Brno. If you are interested, we would be happy to visit you and present the project in person, organize a workshop for your employees, or provide consultations for your diploma work, etc.