FAQ- Corporate Language Courses
Interested in our corporate language courses, but still have some unanswered questions? Here you can find a list of frequently asked questions!
Does your school offer the opportunity, before the start of the course, to test the current linguistic ability of our employees?
As a standard part of our offer for corporate language courses, our qualified teachers will test the current linguistic ability of all our students. Before we can prepare a suitable educational plan for you, we will meet with all those interested in the corporate language course and test their linguistic ability thoroughly.
If you or your employees only wish to determine a your language level, on our website you will find an online placement test which will assess your current language level. The test is available to do in 7 different languages- English, German, French, Italian, Russian, Spanish and Czech.
How often and what methods are used to evaluate lessons?
We evaluate the effectiveness of a corporate language course regularly, or alternatively exceptionally upon request. The evaluation works like this: every teacher prepares an attendance sheet and a detailed performance report for every pupil in his/her class(es). Afterwards, we will suggest a series of recommendations and a course of action for every student, which will help them to continue to improve their linguistic ability in the most efficient way possible.
What methods are used to monitor attendance?
The corporate language course is reviewed regularly, or alternatively upon request. Every teacher has an attendance register and a detailed report of each individual student in his/her class(es). Afterwards, we will suggest a series of recommendations and a tailored plan of action for each employer, which will help them to keep improving in the most effective manner.
We need to cancel the lesson. Will we still have to pay for the lesson?
No, if the lesson is cancelled on time then you will be entitled to a full refund of the lesson. In order for this to happen, you must cancel the lesson no later than 48 hours before its start. We will happily discuss any further requirements you have concerning the organisation of the course, through one-on-one meetings.
What methods are used to monitor attendance?
Teachers are equipped with an attendance register, which they will take during the lesson and students will confirm their attendance by signing it. In the case of an absence, the teacher will write down the reason for the student’s absence (e.g. illness, business trip, holiday). In the following lesson, if the teacher is unable to ascertain the reason for the student’s absence, s/he will contact the course coordinator at PELICAN Language School, who will check the reason for the student’s absence.
At the end of the evaluation period, which usually lasts for one month, the coordinator will work out the average of each employees’ course attendance.
Are we allowed to have a copy of the attendance register?
Definitely, a copy of the attendance register is an integral part of the documents sent to our clients every month.
Can we change the study groups during the course?
Yes, any student, after consultation, may move to a more advanced group or conversely one which is less, if he/she feels that the level of the current course s/he is in, is not suited to them. It is possible to also cancel a course which has already started, if for example s/he knows that work obligations will prevent him/her regularly attending lessons. You can also enrol more employees in the course after it has started. Teachers will record all changes on the attendance register.
Is it possible for our employees to familiarise themselves with the exercise book that they will be using in the lesson beforehand ?
Certainly, if you are interested then we can send you an extract of the exercise book, that our teachers in cooperation with methodology specialists have chosen for your employees.
Is it possible to use the textbook that the employees have used in a previous course?