Individual Courses FAQ

- How can you attend individual courses?
- Can I have my lessons online?
- How do I pay for the lessons?
- I won’t be able to make it to my next lesson.
- I need to change the time of my next lesson.
- I would like to come and see if the lessons would work for me before I pay. Is it possible?
- I don’t get on with my tutor, can I continue the lessons with someone else?
- I would like to end my course. What’s the procedure?
- What languages can I study?
See answers below!
1. How can you attend individual courses?
Individual courses in PELICAN Language School take place at agreed upon regular intervals. The day, time and frequency of the course is up to you and the tutor’s options. If you haven’t been told otherwise, the lessons take place at the PELICAN, Lidická 9.
2. Can I have my lessons online?
Yes, the price and conditions of online lessons are the same as in-person lessons. For more information on online indiviual courses contact the coordinator:
3. How do I pay for the lessons?
The price is derived from the length of the lesson: 60 min/ 750 CZK, or 90 min/ 1130 CZK.
The fee can be paid in cash or transfered to 347239774/0300. Please, write your full name – individual course into the note for the recipient. It is also possible to make an invoice. In this case, please, let us know beforehand via email on
The language course should be covered before the start of your first lesson. If you decided to pay by credit, please, send the payment confirmation to or bring it to your first lesson. The course fee should encompass at least one month of lessons (at least 4 lessons). For the following lessons, you should pay a month in advance (no later than on the 25th day).
4. I won’t be able to make it to my next lesson…
If you cannot attend one of your lessons, you have to contact your tutor at least 24 hours in advance. If your tutor doesn’t recieve a message from you at that time, the lesson will be charged anyway.
5. I need to change the time of my next lesson.
If the current time of your lesson doesn’t suit you, you can arrange an alternative one with your tutor and the coordinator via email If there is a free classroom during that time, your lesson can be moved.
6. I would like to come and see if the lessons would work for me before I pay. Is it possible?
Within the individual courses you cannot visit another student’s lesson but we can offer you an option where you pay for just the first lesson, after which you can decide if it meets your expectations.
7. I don’t get on with my tutor, can I continue the lessons with someone else?
Of course you can. If you need to switch tutors, it’s not a problem. Contact the coordinator via
8. I would like to end my course. What’s the procedure?
In this case, contact your tutor and the coordinator in advance. It should be at least 2 weeks before your last lesson.
9. What languages can I study?
We offer these languages: English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Czech, Russian, modern Greek, Japanese, Vietnamese, Arabian, Chinese, Norwegian, and Polish.
If you still have questions, please, contact the coordinator at, or the office at +420 774 742 296, or +420 725 441 935.