FAQ- Student Status

Student Status- General Information

What is meant by ‘student status’?

Student status is the term used to cover all benefits given to students. Health insurance, health and social insurance paid by the state, tax relief, student deals on transport and more.

What benefits to students are included in the student status?

Benefits are given to any full-time student in secondary school, college and on any bachelor, master or doctoral course at university. After graduating from secondary school with regards to the law, in order to claim these benefits, students must be on a one-year full time language course e.g. post-secondary studies. Benefits: Health insurance paid by the state until the age of 26, reduced income tax (for parents), social benefits (allowances etc.) until the age of 26, deals for transport, culture and others.

When does my student status run out after I have sat my final exams?

You are eligible for student status until the official end of the school year, which includes the summer holidays, therefore until the 31st August.

When does my student status run out if I do not pass my final exams?

If you do not pass your final exams and have to resit in September, in this case your student status will run out at the end of August. This changes if you couldn’t sit your final exams due to health reasons. We recommend that at the start of September, you immediately apply for health insurance as a private patient, or at the job centre as a job applicant- in this case your health insurance will be paid for by the state.

In which case will I not lose my student status?

If immediately after your final exams you start at university, college or apply to an accredited one year language course. In this case you don’t have to worry as your student status will continue over without any interruption.

What about student status and a part-time job/work during the summer holidays?

Be careful here. If in the last summer holidays of secondary school you were gainfully employed for a whole month, then you will have to pay your health insurance yourself. In certain cases this also applies to contracts for work activities and work contracts- in the former, whenever your monthly pay goes over 2500 Czech Crowns and in the latter over 10000 Czech Crowns. Apart from health insurance, the cost of your social insurance is also deducted from your salary.

Student Status and Post-Secondary Studies

Student Status and Post-Secondary Language Studies

In order to keep your student status, you must apply to post-secondary studies at the end of the calendar year after completing your first A-Level exam. The school you apply to must be accredited by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport and you must attend at least 20 teaching hours of 45 mins in length per week for the entire school year.

Am I entitled to student status on a post-secondary course at PELICAN even if I have spent some time at university?

In this case unfortunately you are not entitled to student status
