Newsletter November – December 2021
Training in Taraska, Educational Material for Parents & e-Learning Platform

The Learning, Teaching and Training Event for Psychologically Resilient Parent’s Project, took place earlier this year (27/09 – 01/10/2021) in Taraska, Poland, with experts from all the cardinal notions that will included in PRP’s developed material:
- Positive Psychology
- Neuroscience
- CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
- Tai Chi & Chi Gong
- Yoga
- Mindfulness
- Meditation
The whole Training was professionally videotaped and recorded and the educational videos will be also included in PRP’s channels (e-Learning Platform, YouTube Channel) .
The PRP Training welcomed to Taraska, Parents and Children, Relevant Experts (in a vast variety of fields), and representatives from all PRP Consortium partners.
Main aim of the Training was to review all the material created during the lifespan of Intellectual Output 1, design the next steps and define the concluding contents of PRP Training Programme for Parents and e-Learning Platform.
For the time being, the Consortium members are working hard to finalise the material, fine-tuning the chapters and making sure that all the Practical Activities follow the same user-friendly approach.
PRP’s second Consortium Transnational Meeting that was supposed to take place in December 2021 in Nicosia, Cyprus, was postponed for early March, due to the sudden outbreak of a new rise in Covid19 cases across all EU countries.
However, the Consortium unanimously decided to do a brief online meeting to share updates and exchange wishes for the Christmas Holidays!
On Behalf of PRP’s Consortium
we wish to you and your families
a Beautiful Christmas time
and a Happy & Creative 2022!